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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Will There Be a Scar After The Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Gastric sleeve surgery is a laparoscopic (closed) operation. 4 or 5 incisions are needed to perform this surgery. Whether or not the fifth incision will be opened is decided according to the size of the liver during the surgery. These incisions vary between 0.5 cm and 1.5 cm. Incision scars will heal gradually. Although aesthetic sutures are removed from the inside, 100% scar loss should not be expected, since the integrity of the skin will deteriorate.

Is There an Age Limit for Bariatric Surgery?

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines the adolescence period as 10-19 years. In the current scientific literature, it is stated that bariatric surgery can be performed safely in adolescents. There is no upper age limit for surgery, the performance of the patient is decisive.

What is The Duration of Bariatric Operations?

Approximately; Sleeve Gastrectomy (Tubular stomach) surgery:30 min. / Gastritis Bypass surgery: 1-1.5 hours / Non-surgical slimming methods such as Gastric Balloon and Stomach Botox take 10-15 minutes. The duration of the operation may differ for each surgeon. Whether the operation is performed in a short time or for a long time is only a matter of surgical technique. The duration of the operation cannot be correlated with the quality of the operation.

How many days does the recovery period take after bariatric surgeries?

After bariatric operations, patients become able to meet their personal needs as of approximately 6 hours. Patients are discharged on the 2nd or 3rd day after surgery.

Is there any sagging after the surgery?

This depends on the patient’s tissue characteristics and exercise status and differs from person to person. For aesthetic surgery, a period of at least 18 months must pass after the operation.

Will I go back to my old weight after the surgery?

Postoperative weight regain can be observed in approximately 15% of patients. These rates are very low in the presence of appropriate surgical technique and patient compliance.

Will my stomach expand after obesity surgery?

After gastric sleeve surgery, there may be some increase in stomach volume. However, the stomach can never return to its pre-operative volume.

Can I get pregnant after surgery?

The first 12 months after surgery is a major change process for the body. Therefore, pregnancy is not recommended in the first 12 months.

How often are post-surgery check-ups performed?

After sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the first control is performed in the first 15 days, and the second control is performed in the first month. In the next 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months, the patients are checked by a doctor and dietitian with the results of blood tests.

How is the nutrition process after tube stomach surgery?

After sleeve gastrectomy, your nutritional processes should proceed under the control of a bariatric dietitian. After the operation, the first 10 days of the liquid period, the second 10 days of the puree period, after the 20th day, the solid period is started.

When can I take a shower after obesity surgery?

You can take a shower after the drain is removed on the second postoperative day.

How long does it take to place the gastric balloon into the stomach?

The total duration of the endoscopy procedure (including placement, inflation or removal of the balloon) is approximately 10-15 minutes.

Do I have to stay in the hospital after the gastric balloon is inserted?

Balloon application is carried out with sedation. The patient is awakened immediately after the procedure and taken to the room. The patient can be discharged from the hospital after resting in his room for 2-3 hours.

What are the complaints that may occur after the gastric balloon procedure?

There may be cramp-like pain, nausea and vomiting complaints. These are the expected symptoms. The gastric balloon acceptance process may take 3-4 days on average.

Should I quit smoking and alcohol before gastric sleeve surgery?

Quitting smoking 5 days before the surgery and cessation of alcohol use 10 days before the surgery will allow you to have a more comfortable operation during the surgery.

How long before gastric sleeve surgery should I stop eating and drinking?

One day before obesity surgery, liquid diet should be applied and solid foods should not be eaten.

Eating and drinking should be completely stopped after 12 pm.

Would I Gain Weight Again?

Yes, you can! Studies show that 25% of the weight lost in 10-year follow-ups after bariatric surgery is regained. The fact that you should not forget is that bariatric surgery is not a magic wand. If you make good use of bariatric surgery, which is a miraculous tool given to you to lose weight and regain your health, and make a lifestyle change with the support you receive professionally, you will lose and maintain the maximum level of weight loss with health. What you need to do here is to remember that this vehicle is special for you and you are never alone in this vehicle.

Should there be a post-operative nutrition follow-up?

You should definitely get professional support in order to learn the new diet that will occur with the surgery you have had. Your nutritional follow-up is very important for maximum and healthy weight loss, preservation and increase of muscle mass, learning and applying new eating habits, minimizing and managing complications related to nutrition after surgery. Routine follow-ups at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, and 12th months after weekly follow-ups, especially until the transition to normal nutrition (about the 2nd month), should be done in terms of healthy management and maintenance of bariatric surgery.

What happens if the gastric balloon bursts? How do I know if it exploded?

It’s not something to be afraid of. It is a very rare case. Gastric balloons are filled with colored liquid. In case of eruption, staining is seen in the urine and feces. This indicates that the bubble has burst. Exploded balloons are removed endoscopically.

How is the gastric balloon removed?

Gastric balloons are removed endoscopically. It is emptied with the help of balloon removal kits. After the balloon is deflated, it is held and removed from the esophagus to the mouth. The process takes an average of 10 minutes.